Snowflake Tutorial for Interviews and SnowPro Certification

Category: Data Warehouse

Snowflake Tutorial for Interviews and SnowPro Certification

  • : 22hours
  • Course Valid : 75 days
  • 5
  • : ₹14988
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Instructors

Course Details

Disclaimer : All the logos, names , brand images of snowflake are registered trademarks of Snowflake Inc. Use of these logos and brand names does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by Snowflake Inc. Any logos, brands, names and other trademarked images of snowflake software referred to within the website are for presentation/ aesthetic purpose for the tutorial and are the property of Snowflake Inc. Snowflake Inc is not associated with instutz, our services, our courses, our website. They do not sponsor or endorse instutz and this tutorial.

Snowflake is cloud based data warehouse and analytical tool. With so many SAAS based Data warehouse applications available currently that are competing against one another .Snowflake stands out among the crowd for it uniqueness in design and approach. Snowflake works on an application that is faster and easier to handle. Unlike other data warehouse systems Snowflake is not built on Big data platforms rather it works on new SQL engine that is best suited for cloud. One of the USPs of Snowflake’s unique capabilities is in its table structures wherein Micro–Partitions and Data–Clustering are adopted Snowflake allows user to “time travel” i.e ., track data changes overtime and view changes made anytime in the past up to a 90–days Some of the other features of Snowflake are : Cloning – the clone feature create instant copy of any snowflake object, Undrop – any dropped object (Databases, schemas, tables etc) can be undraped ,Fail safe – In the event of any disaster like hardware or disk failures. Snowflake engineers can recover the data up to a 7 day period post failure.


  • Knowledge in DBs and RDBMs
  • Knowledge in ETL, data modeling etc
  • Programming experience in SQL. Experience in Python, Java and other statistical programming languages is an added adavntage
  • Trial version of snowflake tool to practice the concepts taught

Skills Acquired

  • Fundamentals of data warehousing as a beginner
  • Snowflake architectural concepts.
  • Deep understanding of snowflake features like SnowSQL, Data Masking, Data Sharing, Resource Monitoring, Time Travel etc
  • Ability to clear SnowPro Core certification


Answer: Yes. They absolutely can. All you need to have is some basic knowledge in SQL and DataBases. Send your further queries to
Answer: It can be done. When that particular kind of situation arises, please send your requests to
Answer: Yes. These are recorded classes. This is done to ensure to the classes interactive between students and the tutor so as to clear many doubts of students accessing these videos. If you get further doubts, you can contact the tutor using messaging dashboard.
Answer: Yes. Datascientist institute provides 100% assistance in all of the above mentioned scenarios. Please contact the institute using messaging dashboard after enrolling into the course
Answer: SnowPro Core Certification which doesn't have any pre requisites costs around $175. SnowPro advanced certifications, which requires candidate to be certified in SnowPro Core certification first, costs around $375.
Answer: The usual job description of a snowflake developer requires the candidate to demonstrate skills in ETL concepts, SQL, modeling structure principles, SnowSQL, SnowPipe, exposure to cloud systems like Azure/AWS/GCP, knowledge in visualization tools like Spotfire,Tableau etc.
Answer: Yes. This course can be used for preparing SnowPro Core Certification exam. It covers entire topics related to SnowPro Core certification syllabus.


Institute Description

We enable you to impart IT education, learning and teaching services to interact with individual students, learners and corporate organizations across the world while imparting IT training courses and programs. We provide you an efficient opportunity to learn the world-class teaching models in IT training arena.

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